Heroeslegend - Rallye La Légende Des Héros De Paris à Dakar

Heroeslegend - Rallye La Légende Des Héros De Paris à Dakar 6 aprile – Leggenda degli Eroi a Budapest
Stephane Peterhansel, accolto da Sandlander e Lazlo Palik a Budapest ha presentato l'edizione 2010 del Rally La Leggenda degli Eroi ai giornalisti presenti, accorsi numerosi in rappresentanza di diverse testate, compresa la televisione nazionale ungherese. Ci sono già diverse vetture iscritte al rally che si svolgerà nella seconda metà di ottobre ed altre stanno organizzandosi per la partenza...

28 gennaio
Apertura delle iscrizioni per la Leggenda 2010
Apertura delle iscrizioni alla tariffa migliore, iscrivetevi prima del 30 aprile

28 gennaio Prima presentazione del rally 2010 nei Paesi Bassi, nella concessionaria Jeep di Velp.

News 1
Tutta l'equipe della Leggenda vi augura buone feste di fine d'anno e vi dà appuntamento al 2010



All types of motorbikes are eligible. Off road and all road.
For the category Bivouac-Bivouac, all road bikes are accepted.

General Conditions of Acceptance
All machines must be registered and hold a certificate of registration. All temporary registrations are forbidden (customs laws).
All technical modifications must comply with traffic laws and must respect the general regulation and imposed by the chapter "safety equipment".

Exhaust & Silencer System
The motorcycles run on public roads so they must always carry a silencer that complies with the regulations of the countries crossed during the ride.

Onboard requirements

  • Lighting Equipment

The headlight(s) and rear red light(s) must be kept on throughout the ride.
All participants should carry spare parts to ensure that lighting failures can be fixed.

  • Emergency repair kit

Riders must carry a repair kit for tube-type tires. No repair kit needs to be carried when the bike is fitted with bib-mousse inner tires.
Spare lighting bulbs and proper tools to change bulbs must be carried.

  • Tools & spare parts

Each bike must carry on-board tools and parts needed for off-road riding. Minimum is tie-wraps, tape, wire, spark plug, lighting bulbs, clutch lever, brake lever and the according tools.
When using air-type inner tubes, a repair kit must be carried.
Tools and spare parts must be carried in a safe way, to prevent harm in case of a crash.

  • Navigation

Each bike must have a road book holder and trip counter. The road book will show distances in metric form. Each bike must carry a GPS. This GPS is free of choice.


Compulsory :
- GPS, choice free
- Trip master, type ICO or IMO
- Road book reader (standard size 15cm (A5)
- E-track, (to be rented to the organisation)
- Horn
- Light
- Rear view mirror
- Back and chest protection for the pilot, helmet and motorcycle boots, trousers, gloves..
- camel back 3 liters
- First kit aid

Recommended :
- 1 front tyre
- 2 rear tyres
- 2 front and rear air tube
- The bib tyre is recommended, when possible
- 2 chains
- Humidity stop spray for ignition
- Spokes for front and rear wheels
- Rear red light
- Large engine protection
- Rain and cold equipment
- Satellite telephone

Strictly forbidden : any top case or transport box on the motorbike for the race category.



Compulsory :
- Trip master, type ICO or IMO
- Horn
- Light
- Rear view mirror
- helmet and motorcycle boots, trousers, gloves..
- camel back 3 liters

Recommended :
- 1 front tyre
- 1 rear tyre
- 2 front and rear air tube
- 1 chain
- Humidity stop spray for ignition
- Spokes for front and rear wheels
- Rain and cold equipment
- Satellite telephone
- E-track, (to be rented to the organisation)


Fuel Range

Machines must carry a minimum of fuel so as to be capable of covering 250 km of special stage (off road and road). Each competitor is responsible for calculating his own fuel range and in no case can make any claim against the organisers if his machine fails to cover the minimum distance of 250 km, whatever the nature of the terrain. For safety reasons an extra fuel capacity of 10% is recommended.



The cars must be 4x4 vehicle or buggy  and in excellent mechanical condition to meet the challenges of the 6,500 km of the Raid, a large part of which will be “off-road”.

General Conditions of Acceptance
All vehicle  must be registered and hold a certificate of registration. All temporary registrations are forbidden (customs laws).
All technical modifications must comply with traffic laws and must respect the general regulation and  imposed by the chapter "safety equipment".

No specific equipment such as an additional petrol tank or roll bars is required to take part in the Heroes Legend, but reinforced shock absorbers are highly recommended. 4x4 vehicle with two safety wheels, scoop, strap, plaque for digging out of sand, GPS and trip master.

All cars will be equipped with an E-TRACK system (tracking by satellite), which will ensure safety and guarantee respect of the itineraries imposed by the Organisation.


For the Bivouac-Bivouac category, the car can be a 4x2, 4x4 or an SUV (all terrain car)

  • Navigation

Each vehicle must have and trip counter. The road book will show distances in metric form.


Compulsory :
- GPS, choice free
- Trip master
- 1 strap, mini 10 meters
- 4 sand plates
- 2 shovel
- 2 spare wheels or 1 wheel and 1 tyre
- 2 air tubes
- 2 gas oil tanks (except if additional tank)
- 2 fuel tanks
- Mineral water 10 litres
- 1 Fire extinguisher 2kg

Recommended :
- Tyre pressure control
- Wood piece 30x30
- Compressor or pump
- Satellite telephone
- E-Track system (to be rented to the organisation)



Compulsory :
- GPS, choice free
- Trip master
- 1 strape 10m minimum
- 2 sand plates
- 1 shovel
- 2 spare wheels
- 1 air tube
- 2 tanks of gasoil (except if additional tanksl)
- 10 litres mineral water
- 1 extincteur manuel homologué de 2 kg à poudre
- E-Track (à louer, obligatoire)

- Tyre pressure control
- compressor or pump
- satellite phone


Fuel Range
Cars must carry a minimum of fuel so as to be capable of covering 400 km of special stage (off road and road). Each competitor is responsible for calculating his own fuel range and in no case can make any claim against the organisers if his car fails to cover the minimum distance, whatever the nature of the terrain. For safety reasons an extra fuel capacity of 10% is recommended.

Heroeslegend - Rallye La Légende Des Héros De Paris à Dakar